function modelesswin(url,mwidth,mheight){ if (document.all&&window.print) eval('window.showModelessDialog(url,"","help:0;resizable:0;dialogWidth:'+mwidth+'px;dialogHeight:'+mheight+'px")') else eval(',"","width='+mwidth+'px,height='+mheight+'px,resizable=0,scrollbars=0")') } function reWin() { if(document.layers) { content.location.reload(); left.location.reload(); } } //========== OnMouseOver funktioner nedan =========== function doOver() { // Destination is the window - update status if (this.dest==window) { window.status = this.overValue return true } // Destination is the input element - update value else if ((this.dest.type!=null) && ((this.dest.type=="text") || (this.dest.type=="textarea"))) this.dest.value = this.overValue // Destination is an image - update src else if (this.dest.src!=null) this.dest.src = this.overValue return true } function doOut() { // Destination is the window, clear status if (this.dest==window) window.status="" // Destination is the input element, set default value else if (this.dest.type!=null) this.dest.value=this.dest.defaultValue // Destination is an image, reset original image else if (this.dest.src) this.dest.src = this.dest.osrc } function OverEffect(src,dest,overValue) { // Assign onmouseover handler src.onmouseover = doOver // Assign onmouseout handler src.onmouseout = doOut // Store the destination element on the src src.dest = dest // Store the overValue on the src src.overValue= overValue // If an image, start downloading if (dest.src!=null) { dest.osrc = dest.src var i = new Image() i.src = src.overValue } } function InitOverEffect(src,dest,overValue) { // Setup over effect OverEffect(src,dest,overValue) // Make sure first rollover is applied return src.onmouseover() } function doLoad() { //Can also setup from script //OverEffect(document.links[0],window,"Hello World") } function goToURL(formet){ var destination = formet.options[formet.selectedIndex].value; if (destination != " ") { top.location = destination } } function btnIFI_OnClick(ctl) { document.forms[0].z_action.value = ctl.value; document.forms[0].submit(); return true; } function openwin(windowName,width,height) { newWindow =, "newWindow","toolbar=no,menubar=no,width="+width+",height="+height+",scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); newWindow.focus(); } function Hjalp(modul) { valjModul =,"valjModul","width=500,height=300,location=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,menubar=no"); if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") valjModul.focus(); } function CloseWindow() { top.close() } function Motor_navBar( tableCellRef, hoverFlag, navStyle ) { if ( hoverFlag ) { switch ( navStyle ) { case 1: // Andra har for annan bakgrundshover = '#E9EDF7'; = '#D1D4E2'; break; default: if ( document.getElementsByTagName ) { tableCellRef.getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[0].style.color = '#fff'; } } } else { switch ( navStyle ) { case 1: = '#fff'; = '#fff'; break; default: if ( document.getElementsByTagName ) { tableCellRef.getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[0].style.color = '#fff'; 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